Safety & Quality Overview
Safety is a Core Value
We strive to operate event free and believe that no work is important enough to compromise the health, safety, or mental well-being of our employees, the public, or the communities where we work. Supporting this is our commitment to fostering a world-class safety culture where our high standards for safety, health, environmental, and quality (SHEQ) are incorporated in everything we do – from creating a safe and healthy workplace for our employees, ensuring our services are performed safely and responsibly, minimizing our environmental impact, and delivering a quality service. With our Think Ahead philosophy, we continue to advance our SHEQ goals with investment in programs and initiatives that ensure continuous improvement.
Safety and Quality
Management System
Centuri’s internal Safety and Quality Management System serves to formalize the safety policies, processes, and program standards that will apply to our employees, partners, and contractors. As with all management systems, ours facilitates goal setting, planning, and measuring performance. It becomes part of the culture and the way people do their jobs.
Pillars within our management system are the foundation on which the system is based. Each pillar below contains elements that establish our system’s framework.
Leadership and Commitment
Senior leadership is committed to provide the vision, establish the framework, set expectations, and provide the resources necessary to achieve world class safety and quality culture and performance. Employees must also commit to personal responsibility for their safety, the safety of their fellow workers, and the public.
Building Capability and Engagement
We are committed to providing employees with the knowledge, skills, and training necessary for them to perform their job duties safely while producing quality workmanship, as well as understand how they can participate actively in the development and continuous improvement of safety and quality management system components.
Managing Risk
We are committed to ensuring effective hazard identification and controls are in place to reduce exposures and risks arising from these hazards.
Performance and Measurement
We continually measure and benchmark performance to ensure that objectives are met and sufficient data is collected to enable informed decision-making by management in their efforts to continually improve safety and quality performance.